
The Mental Peace

भारत सरकार Government of India

Trade Marks Registry Certificate No.: 1746920

Trade Marks Act, 1999

Certificate of Registration of Trade Mark, Section 23 (2), Rule 56 (1)

Trade Mark No. 3128488 Date 16/12/2015 j. No. 1810

Certified that Trade Mark / a representation is annexed hereto, has been registered in the name(s) of:-

AJAY SAXENA, Plot-89 & 90, Sector-29, Agroli Belapur, Navi Mumbai 400614, Maharashtra. Proprietor, Trading as : Surakshak, Service Provider, (Single Firm)

In Class 38 Under No. 3128488 as of the date 16 December 2015 in respect of

Telecommunication Services; Telecommunications Routing and junction Services; Information about Telecommunication; Communications By telegram; Video conferencing services

Trade Mark as annexed

Sealed at my direction, this 06th day of January, 2018


networking contractors

who can upload data from remote uncovered places

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